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19 May 2024 - 10 Zulqaeda 1445 Zuhur 13:03 Asar 16:26
19 May 2024 - 10 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Understanding the Islamic Worldview: An advanced introductory course on the Islamic Weltanschauung

[Event has ended]
Mon, 10 January 2011, 8.00pm-10.30pm | English
Darul Furqan
Abdul Halim Abdul Karim


Fees: Before: $330.00 * NOW: $200.00

This course introduces the basic concepts of worldview as conceived from the various perspectives; sociological, psychological, political as well as in the dialectical discourse between secularism and religious living.

We will focus on the meanings, characteristics and kinds of ideologies including some Western contemporary ideologies, such as materialism, secularism, modernism and post-modernism and contrast such ideologies with the concept of a worldview”. These ideological conceptions will be juxtaposed with and analysed from the Islamic perspective.

Attendees will be exposed to several broad conceptions of what is the Islamic worldview culminating in the assertion that the Islamic worldview is an all-
encompassing vision of Reality and Existence as described and prescribed by Islam (Ru'yat al-Islam li al-Wujud).

This course would also provide the attendees with a strong understanding of the core of Islam and its main characteristics such as it being Syumul (Complete and comprehensive) and Rabbani (Divinely inspired).

Attendees will also learn the pre-requsite elements towards understanding the Islamic worldview. These include; the concepts of al-Tawhid, existence (Wujud) and ‘Ilm
(Knowledge), the concepts of Iman (Faith) and Ihsan (excellence in ‘Amal (Deeds), the concepts of SunnatulLah (Workings of nature as acts of God), Nubuwwah (Prophethood), ‘Aql (Man's reasoning capacity) and Fitrah (Primordial nature of Man) in the discussion of Identity (Syaksiyyah) in Islam and the concept of Adab (The placing of things and self in their proper places) and ‘Adl (Justice) as well as the role of man vis-à-vis the Creator (al-Khaliq) and the rest of creation.

The crisis of values and identity facing the ummah in the contemporary information technology driven Knowledge Society, the idea of progress and modernity, the nature and challenges of globalization, liberalism and extremism will also be discussed.

Importantly, ideas regarding the understanding of the Islamic worldview will be presented in the light of the need for a deeper understanding, development and adoption of the Islamic worldview among Muslims whom this course is intended for.


Course Venue : Darul Furqan, 299 Changi Road
5 minutes walk from Eunos MRT Station)

Frequency and Duration : Commences on 10 Jan 2011
Weekly classes - 10 sessions (with option for extension)
Mondays, 8.00 - 10.30 pm

Notes and pertinent readings will be given
Course Fees : Original- $330/participant
Now - $200/participant due to private sponsorship or infaq
$20.00 discount for full-time students

Evaluation and reflection: An essay assignment will be given in session 7 to re-enforce what has been learnt during the course

For further information (in pdf) click here .


Darul Furqan

299C Changi Road


Abdul Halim Abdul Karim


Abdul Halim Abdul Karim

Abdul Halim has a very multidisciplinary background that encapsulates the Hard Sciences, the ...


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