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19 May 2024 - 10 Zulqaeda 1445 Syuruk 6:56 Zuhur 13:03
19 May 2024 - 10 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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The Catalysts of Islamic Revivalism - Karbala & Saidina Hussain (RA)

[Event has ended]
Sat, 15 January 2011, 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm | English
Himpunan Belia Islam
Professor Syed Farid Al-Atas, Ustaz Hj Mohd Rosli Hassan


Fees: Free Admission

"And if my sin is love of the Family of Muhammad (SAW);
Then that is a sin which I do not repent."
- Imam Syafi'i (RA)

Over 1,400 years ago, in a desert plain known as Karbala, there stood a man, all alone, surrounded by an army of thousands bent on killing him, and whose grandfather, only a few decades before, brought the light of knowledge and morality to their backward and barbaric Bedouin civilisation.

This man was Husain (RA), and his grandfather was none other than the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

He stood his ground to protect the pure teachings of Islam that was delivered by his grandfather the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - the religion of Islam that taught the people which once oppressed the weak to enrich the corrupt to question their deeds and reform their ways and establish a just society based on equity and humanistic values of love and compassion.

While his grandfather the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) succeeded in completely transforming the Arab peninsula from an illiterate Bedouin civilisation to a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment that predates the Renaissance, however, in only a few decades, corruption began to set in from within the Muslim ummah.

While the first Caliphs of Islam, the Successors of the Prophet (SAW), sought to emulate as much as possible the moral life and teachings of the Prophet (SAW), the Ruler who came into power in the time of his grandson, Saidina Husain (RA), was a far cry from these moral examples.

The mission of Saidina Husain (RA) was encapsulated in his statement, "I set out not to seek corruption or power for myself, but I set out to remind the People of the Religion of my Grandfather, and to call towards Good and discourage Evil (Amr Bil Ma'aruf Wa Nahi 'Anil Munkar)".

Now, how then, is the Message and Mission of Saidina Husain (RA) relevant in this modern age?

Our age is now witnessing a wave of upheavals, political movements, social activism and religious revivalism that has never before been seen in any ages past.

This is true not only in the Islamic world but also in the humanitarian fields as well.

Small movements for social justice and equity in almost any part of the world would receive international attention overnight thanks to the modern-age phenomena of the internet and social media.

Despite the importance given to the values of materialism and capitalism by our modern institutions and the mass media in the past century, we are also now witnessing increased attention being given towards movements for social justice and a heightened awareness of the need for a revival in the Muslim spirit in its thirst for The Islam.

The failure of the Western model of Free Market Capitalism which unfolds itself in the ongoing economic and financial crisis and the hope and rise of interest in the Islamic model of finance and capitalism is not the only manifestation of the idea of Islam as THE credible solution to the problems of our time.

The questions that are now on everyone's mind -

- How can we find solutions for the present and guidance for our future by looking into the past?

- What conditions and circumstances do our modern age have in common with the age of Saidina Husain (RA) that calls for a Revival?

- What does the movement of Saidina Husain (RA) have to offer as lessons for us over 1,400 years later?

These questions and many more will be addressed by the 2 speakers for the evening.


Forum: "Karbala and Saidina Husayn (RA) – The Catalysts of Islamic Revivalism"

Date of Event: 15th January 2011

Time: 8:00pm to 10:30pm

(*registration begins at 8pm, forum proper will commence after Isha' prayers, at 8:30 pm)

Venue: Sultan Mosque Auditorium

Prof Farid Al-Attas
Topic: “Karbala: The model of Social Activism - Lessons and Modern Day Applications.”

Ustaz Muhammad Rosli Hassan
Topic: “Saidina Hussein (r.a): The Pioneer of Islamic Revivalism”

Our distinguished speakers shall thus be discussing this historical event in light of modern day applications/lessons and will elucidate how the event of Karbala stands as a centerpiece for Islamic revivalism from a psychological, spiritual, social and political standpoint.

For any enquiries, please email [email protected]


Sultan Mosque, Auditorium

3 Muscat Street, Singapore 198833


Himpunan Belia Islam


Professor Syed Farid Al-Atas, Ustaz Hj Mohd Rosli Hassan


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