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10 May 2024 - 1 Zulqaeda 1445 Ishak 20:19 Subuh 5:36
10 May 2024 - 1 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:36 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:24 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:19
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Views: 1935

Palestine: 60 years on

[Event has ended]
Sat, 15 December 2012, 1.30 pm - 4 pm (right after Zuhr prayers) | English
Pergas, Wisma Indah
AID for Humanity
Walid Jumblatt, Ustaz Bani Ali


Fees: Free

AID for Humanity is organising another talk on Palestine due to the recent events that took place in Gaza. Do join us! Our main intention in organising this talk is to clear common misconceptions and highlight key issues that needs to be considered when voicing out one's opinion regarding this issue and when explaining it to others. Some of the issues that will be covered are as follows:

1) Background
- UN Security Council
- OIC, Arab League
- Media etc

2) Political History of Conflict
- Balfour Declaration / British Mandate
- Elections of 2006

3) Key Actors
- Fatah
- Hamas

4) Misconceptions

5) Issues for Singaporeans
- Where is our government in this?
- Potential solutions/actions to be taken

6) Religious Issues
- What is the significance of Palestine in Islam?
- What is the concept of justice?
- Can this be solved (or should that even be our concern)?
- Isn’t this qadhak and qadar?


Pergas, Wisma Indah

448 Changi Road, Singapore 419975


AID for Humanity


Walid Jumblatt, Ustaz Bani Ali


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