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20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 Ishak 20:21 Subuh 5:34
20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Introduction to the Study of 'Ilmul-Aklhaq (Tasawwuf)

[Event has ended]
Sat, 16 February 2013, 8 pm -10 pm | English
Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail


1. Course Synopsis:

After the 'Beginners' course on Islam', which concisely and adequately prepares Muslim/Muslimah towards his/her basic Islamic education upon the paradigm of 'Iiman-'Amal-Ihsan', after which students will be introduced to an 'intermediate' level of learning in Akhlaq.

2. Course Outcomes:

By 'intermediate', it means gaining deeper understanding, conviction and commitment in the aspects of Akhlaq. The subject will be approached systematically, with adequate introduction; explanation of important terminologies; its history and development; the raison d'etre of its study; appropriate explanation of current controversies or confusion (if any) on the subject; equipping students with the basis so as to remove any doubts or conjectures.

Notwithstanding, the essential spirit in learning at this 'intermediate' level is the inculcation of 'Adab' as faithfully practiced in traditional learning circles and Madrasah since we are not learning Islam as a subject but subjecting ourselves to Islam, insya-Allah. It can also benefit any young English speaking Muslims in preparing them for future work in Da'wah and their assisting the education of our next generation, insya-Allah.

3. Course Target Group:

This course is designed especially for Muslim converts and young adults English-speaking Muslims. It is also a recommended refresher course for Muslim parents and educators living in contemporary Singapore. It provides students from the recently concluded 'Beginners' course on Islam' to proceed to this 'Intermediate' level.

4. Course Venue:

Wisma Indah, 448 Changi Road, Level 2
(5 minutes walk from Kembangan MRT Station)

5. Course Frequency & Duration:

Commences on 16 Feb 2013 for 18 sessions weekly on Saturdays
8.00 - 10.00 pm

6. Course Fees:


7. Course Registration:

Register online via


8. Sample of Students' Testimonies:

'This course increased my conviction of Islam being an 'inexplicably coherent structure of moral teaching and practical life-programme', in which 'all its parts are harmoniously conceived to complement and support each other', resulting in 'an absolute balance and solid composure'. This increase in conviction is due to the deepening of understanding of the various aspects of the Deen. The course lays down the beautiful framework of Islam in details: covenant - implications - revelation - self-knowledge - jihad'

'I must admit my own fallacy in thinking that Ustaz was going to teach us something spectacularly new to improve our Akhlaq. Oh how silly of me. Ustaz taught us something spectacularly and fundamentally important, vital and cardinal that is. It was a reiteration of Fardhu 'Ain; one that grounds us back to Tauheed, above and beyond the mere 'rituals'/actions of worship that people can see (the outer layers of practices), it is the inner state that governs our level of Akhlaq - and that's what Allah see. My greatest takeaway: ALWAYS goes Back to Basics; our Fardhu 'Ain.'

'I learnt that our Akhlaq needs to be nurtured such that it becomes second nature so that our practice of Islam reaches the level of Ihsan. Learning the difference between 'freedom' and 'ikhtiyar' helps me understand that Allah's will applies to all and by choosing to submit to Allah, we have done justice to ourselves.'

'Just as Allah SWT sees our outward actions, He also sees the inward actions of our heart. We thus have to be vigilant against the bad traits of the heart (such as pride, arrogance, ostentation, thinking lowly of others, conceit, loving the world, envy and many others). Shukran Ustaz, for such a valuable knowledge.'

'I learnt that to have knowledge without noble Akhlaq is dangerous. We cannot be 'intelligent yet immoral;; cannot be 'learned yet evil'.'

'Ustaz Zhulkeflee constantly remind us of QS 62:2 - the approach, method and sequence adopted by RasululLah SAW in his teachings - conveyed the message towards tazkiyatun nafs (purification or cleansing of the self) before teaching the Quran (al-Kitab) and Sunnah (al-Hikmah). Why this sequence? Ustaz mentioned about the 'container' (nafs or self), which needed to be cleansed before any beneficial knowledge could enter it. It points me back to being grateful and to obey Allah SWT and follow the teachings of RasululLah SAW in emulating his noble akhlaq.'

'I learnt about the self (nafs) and fitrah (primordial nature) of man created in the best conformation. The effort to submit to Allah's will, requires knowledge and understanding of our powers, its strengths/pitfalls, striving to achieve moderation. Man requires guidance to the Straight Path and the best guidance is from the Creator - He sent the message and the role model for us to learn from; i.e. our Messenger SAW.'

'Ustaz's lesson on building (upon) our submission on the Arkaanul Islam inspired me to share the meaning of statements in swolah with my family when I went back home recently. We reflected on the lessons from swolah and gave specific examples that my younger sister can relate to. My mum was amazed at the beautiful meanings of the recitations that she has done daily but has never understood their meanings. It is easier to ask my sister to do her prayers now that she knows they are means of communicating directly with Allah especially when they knew that Allah will give responses to each verse of al-Fatihah we recite.'

'From what was taught, it shows that Islam is relevant regardless of what year, generation we are living in. Ustaz taught us how to behave when using the media (FB, script writing, journalists and etc). We should protect the dignity and honour of our Muslim brothers and sisters, even if we know the flaws in them. And I feel this applies to our non-Muslims friends too.'

'As Ustaz shared the various stations we have to go through in order to attain Taqwa (each requiring istiqomah in that state) - the parable of the Shajara Tayyiba (the goodly tree) came to mind as it beautifully illustrates the long drawn process with strive and struggles (literal or otherwise) to attain piety, subhaana-Allah!'

'My wife and I felt that carrying out a good act with intentions for Allah alone is insufficient to have a high level of Akhlaq. Only when the heart, mind and body automatically knows that every action is for Allah, then we will have such levels of Akhlaq.'

'Akhlaq includes non-contrived praiseworthy actions not proceeding from particular motives. Their outer form is in harmony with their inner truth; they are actions devoid of pretension. Ustaz mentioned when the outer form is in harmony with the inner truth, such actions will become second nature to you.'

'We learnt about the dangers of Satan's whispers: We need to understand ourselves so we don't fall into his tricks. I was very thankful for the clarification made: Iblis can only 'deceive' us and trick us but Iblis has no power over us.'

'Ustaz taught us to subject ourselves to Islam and not learn Islam as a subject, and his wisdom in teaching us what we need versus what we want (youths like us have a lot of 'wants'), it dawn on me that Islam is indeed beautiful and simple, complete with all the established guidelines (it is our level of knowledge that is malformed or lacking).'

'Ustaz, via QS Hujurat, has beautifully outlined to me how the rightly guided conduct themselves! Indeed, our entire life is a test!'Blessed is the one who is busy addressing one's own shortcomings rather than get involved with the shortcomings of others' In that I'm to look inwardly and introspect on my own failing, seek Allah's forgiveness for the shortcomings, and perpetually seek His guidance by turning to the Quran and Sunnah as well as seeking a Murshid as I strive to live up to the 5 essential principles in life.'

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Wisma Indah

450 Changi Road, Singapore 419877


Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail


Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail

He studied under many traditional Islamic teachers and was tutored by well-known religious scholars ...


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