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21 May 2024 - 12 Zulqaeda 1445 Syuruk 6:56 Zuhur 13:03
21 May 2024 - 12 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Miss 21st Century Muslimah

[Event has ended]
Fri, 13 September 2013, 4pm (Fri) to 9am (Sat) | English
ZAHRA En-Naeem, Fatayats MKS

programme for youth

Fees: $3.00

Assalamualaikum my lovely sisters!
We have something specially planned for you this holiday!

Are you one of those whom has always been wanting to do something fun yet beneficial this holiday?

Are you feeling bored at home and wants to go out and make some new (girl)friends? Or just spend more time(& overnight) with your own group of (girl)friends?

Do you need any motivational or spiritual uplift after all the stressful studying period/school/work?

Do you feel like sharing your life as a Muslimah with other sisters whom are facing the same dilemma as you? Or even to share your success stories?

Are you interested to find out how it is to live life as the 21st Century Muslimah?

★Then, here's the right time and place to do it!
Plus, you'll be doing it with other sisters whom have the same intention (niat) as you! Open to all LADIES YOUTHS out there, aged btwn 15-25 yrs old! (*non-Muslims are welcomed too)

★Get to know our sisters from Zahra En-Naeem and Fatayats MKS too! ;D


Miss 21st century muslimah is the first collaboration event which we would like to approach the Muslimah youths in the community to learn and live Islam. At the same time, make effort to help those around them to make the same step. In order to achieve this, they always need good companions who they can trust and depend.
Who do we wish to please in this world. In our Hijab, are we assumed to be oppressed or uneducated? Have we put Islam aside to fit in with friends? How do we come to a right decision? Don't we think we should get our doubts right?

Women in Islam have very high dignity. The veil is to protect women from being harm. Islam protects and appreciates the woman highly. In the Al-Quran there is one surah name “an-nisa'' which means women. That shows how special the women in Islam that our title being mentioned in the al-Quran.

With this objective in mind,we will be taken to a journey that will touch our hearts and souls, to expose us to the real friends in Islam.
Beauty from within

1) Expand muslimah youths members & build rapport among them.
2) Create a sense of belonging to Islam and mosque.
2) Instill the correct attitude and mindset of an Ideal Muslimah
4) Encourage them to be proud of their Muslimah identity.

☆So sign up now! For more details...





En Naeem Mosque

120 Tampines Road, Singapore 535136


ZAHRA En-Naeem, Fatayats MKS


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