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16 May 2024 - 7 Zulqaeda 1445 Syuruk 6:56 Zuhur 13:03
16 May 2024 - 7 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:35 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:25 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:20
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Ana Mar'ah 2.0

[Event has ended]
Sat, 12 October 2013, 12pm (Sat 12th Oct) to 11:30am (Sun 13th Oct) | English
Fityan Assyakirin - Youth wing of Assyakirin mosque
Ustazah Nurul Izzah Khamsani

camp for muslimah

Fees: $20

Beauty has become a factor that women nowadays lived by. Women would do anything to be able to be seen as a beautiful person and to be socially accepted. The society has planted stereo typicality of beauty in the minds of woman. To look beautiful, one has to be tall, slim and don up the perfect make-up that fits to the outfit they are wearing. This stereo typicality has got to stop spreading before it influences our younger generations because every single creation of Allah is beautiful and special.

This year, Ana Mar-ah will take place on the 12th-13th October 2013. The event will be for muslimahs from the age of 16-25 years old. It will be a two-day camp, where participants will be involved in engaging sports activities. The highlights of the event will be Archery Tag, aerobics, and Knowledge Seeking night.

The idea of the slogan “Princesses in the eyes of Allah” is to emphasize to the muslimahs that Allah elevated the status of Muslimahs so high that Paradise lies beneath the feet of a mother. “Princesses in the eyes of Allah” gives the participant the vibe that every single Muslimah is so significant and precious to Allah.

Participants will be engaging themselves with activities that will strengthen their ukhuwah as one. Through the activities, we hope this will open up their hearts to the importance of ukhuwah within one another. Through this platform, the participants will be able to keep in mind that they share a common goal, which is to please Allah.

Aside from the sports activities, we want the participants to take a break and fill their souls with iman and taq'wa through the engaging knowledge seeking night where we will introduce the participants to the female companions that has been promised jannah – Fatimah, Khadijah (may allah be please with them). Along the way through the event, we also hope to fill their souls with Qaseedahs and selawats in remembrance of our beloved prophet Rasulullah saw.

Finally, this event also aims to allow youths to further strengthen relationships and provide support for each other to continue striving to be better caliphs of Allah, InsyaAllah.

& InsyaAllah we'll be seeing you during the event itself! :D


1) A payment of $20 has to be made for the event by 6th October 2013.
2) Closing of registration will be on 4th October 2013.
3) All payments have to be made and submission of indemnity form has to be given at Assyakirin Mosque counter by 6th October 2013.

Only 40 places available - are you one of them?


Assyakirin Mosque

550 Yung An Road, Singapore 618617


Fityan Assyakirin - Youth wing of Assyakirin mosque


Ustazah Nurul Izzah Khamsani


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