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16 May 2024 - 7 Zulqaeda 1445 Ishak 20:20 Subuh 5:35
16 May 2024 - 7 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:35 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:25 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:20
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[Event has ended]
Sat, 2 November 2013, 9.30am | English
2 Bukit Merah Central #10-00 Singapore 159835
Financial Alliance Pte Ltd

financial course

Fees: $80

Participants will be taught the key areas of financial planning: investment, protection, estate planning, zakat, wakaf and debt management.

In each area, participants will gain the knowledge on key factors to understand, the Islamic perspectives and common mistakes to avoid.

Day 1 - 2nd Nov 2013
Module 1: Introduction to Financial Planning
Module 2: Cashflow & Debt Management
Module 3: Investment Planning (Part 1)
Module 3: Investment Planning (Part 2)

Day 2 - 9th Nov 2013
Module 4: Risk Management (Part 1)
Module 4: Risk Management (Part 2)
Module 5: Zakat & Wakaf Planning
Module 6: Estate Planning

Participants who complete all 6 modules will be given a certificate of attendance.


Day 1 - 2nd Nov 2013
0930-1100 Module 1: Introduction to Financial Planning
- Why is financial planning important
- The difference between conventional & Islamic financial planning
- The main areas of financial planning
1100-1115 Tea break

1115-1300 Module 2: Cashflow & Debt Management
- The importance of cashflow management
- Understanding financial stability
- Islam & debt
- Choices available for those in debt
1300-1400 Lunch break

1400-1530 Module 3: Investment Planning (Part 1)
- The difference between Islamic & conventional investment planning
- Key things to consider when investing
1530-1545 Tea break 15min

1545-1730 Module 3: Investment Planning (Part 2)
- Major mistakes when investing
- Investing at different life cycles: retirement, family, fresh graduates

Day 2 - 9th Nov 2013
0930-1100 Module 4: Risk Management (Part 1)
- Why risk management is important
- The difference between conventional & Islamic risk management
1100-1115 Tea break

1115-1300 Module 4: Risk Management (Part 2)
- Major mistakes in risk management
- How to build a proper risk management portfolio
1300-1400 Lunch break

1400-1545 Module 5: Zakat & Wakaf Planning
- Zakat & wakaf in Islam
- Understanding zakat & wakaf in Singapore
- Calculating the various zakat
1545-1600 Tea break

1600-1730 Module 6: Estate Planning
- Faraid & Estate Planning
- The road maps to Islamic Wills Writing
- The misconceptions and common mistakes in Islamic Inheritance

$80 for first 10 signups
$100 for subsequent registrations

For more information, please contact FAiWA,
Tel: 6222-1889, 65080187, 65080961
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

To register for event:


Financial Alliance Pte Ltd


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