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20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 Ishak 20:21 Subuh 5:34
20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Safinah Talks 20: Milestones - Achieving Full Circle

[Event has ended]
Sat, 18 January 2014, 5.00pm | English
To be confirm
Safinah Institute


Fees: Standard $18 Students (with Student Pass) $11.50

"You are the best of the nations raised up for the benefit of men, you enjoin what is right - and prohibit what is wrong - and you believe in Allah."
(Al-Qur'an 3:110)

Life is a sum of many phases and cycles, of which at the end of each one is a milestone that is to be achieved. Only when ordinary people rise above life's challenges and seize the opportunities made available for them, only then will milestones be truly achieved.

We are always reminded that ambitions, intentions and undying dedications will lead us to greater things in this lifetime, but more often than not, we forget that the greater milestone in life is to continually take conscious steps to get closer to Allah s.w.t.

In celebration of the 20th edition of Safinah Talks - a form of milestone in itself - we'd like to invite you on a spiritual journey of self-discovery - combining the knowledge that we know of on how to attain the success of this world, merging them with the factors of success as outlined in the foundations of Islam; the Quran and the Sunnah. The goal of this milestone? To reach full circle.

What you will learn:

1 - The milestone of being a student of knowledge - adopting patience, endurance and discipline
2 - The milestone of growth and maturity - from rising above life's setbacks and disappointments
3. The milestone of achieving meaningful relationships - in friendship, in marriage and in
4. The milestone of reaching the pinnacle of faith - attaining sweetness in worship, sincerity in action and peace in His remembrance


1. Ustaz Saifurrahman
2. Ustaz Tarmizi Wahid
3. Ustaz Fizar Zainal

Safinah Talks 20: Milestones - Achieving Full Circle
Day/Date: Saturday 18 January 2014
Time: 6.00pm - 10.00pm (Registration begins at 5pm)
Venue: TBC

Standard $18
Students (with Student Pass) $11.50
Season Pass: $80 valid for 6 adults OR 6 admissions for all Safinah Talks throughout 2013 (Learn more here:

5.00pm Registration
5.45pm Guests to be seated
6.00pm Event begins
6.15pm Talk by Ustaz Tarmizi Wahid
6.55pm Prepare for Maghrib
7.00pm Break for Maghrib in congregation
7.35pm Event resumes
7.40pm Talk by Ustaz Fizar Zainal
8.20pm Talk by Ustaz Saif Ur-Rahman
9.00pm Q & A
9.30pm End

Visit to book your seats!


Please arrive early for registration and lecture to ensure smooth process for our event
This event is non-ticketed.
You just need to present your name at our registration counter
Seating priority will be given to those who make immediate payment
Registration will be closed once we have received maximum number of participants/ seats are full
Maghrib prayers will be performed in the hall, in congregation insyaAllah.

See you very soon, insya'allah! :D


Safinah Institute


Ustaz Tarmizi Wahid

Upon completing his pre-university studies at Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah, he took a Diploma in Is...


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