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21 May 2024 - 12 Zulqaeda 1445 Ishak 20:21 Subuh 5:34
21 May 2024 - 12 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Heart2Heart by Zahra (Ladies ONLY<3)

[Event has ended]
Sun, 29 December 2013, 1:30pm to 6:00pm | Others
Ustazah Nadirah


Fees: FOC

Have these questions below appeared in your mind before?
Or have you encountered similar questions before?

>"Should I wear hijab without a since heart, or choose not to wear it at all? How do I know when is the right time?"

>"Why can't my parents understand me? Why is it that my explanation becomes a rude defiance to them?"

>"Should I sacrifice my work and passion for my religion? Which should I choose?"

>"Can I trim/shave my eyebrows? Can I wear fake eyelashes? Then, what about makeup, henna drawings, hair extensions, coloured contact lenses and nail polishes?"

>"Do I have to completely remove my eyeliners for my ablution(wudhuk) to be acceptable(sah)?"

>"Can I read the Quran when I'm having menses? Are we allowed to read it out loud for school's oral exam/test?"

>"Does what I wear really reflect my iman? Does wearing a jubah makes me more pious?"

>"Will I be blamed for changing the meaning of the Quran when I'm not good at reading it and make mistakes?"

And then have you ever felt this way before?

"I'm shy/embarassed to ask."
"I don't know who to ask/look for."
"I don't know where I can get the answers."
"I'm still in confusion."

GOOD NEWS, let's push all these reasons away, and...
Get actively involved in our informal discussion on various issues, with sisters from various backgrounds! =D
Because I'm like you, and you're just like me!
We are all looking for answers! Non-muslims are also welcomed!
We hope to see all of you there, if Allah wills! ♥



Day/Date: Sunday, 29 December 2013
Time: 1.45pm to 6.00pm (Registration starts at 1.30pm)
Venue: Bidadari Hall (Level2), Masjid En-Naeem
Attire code: RED

Register online HERE to secure your places!
by 26th Dec...


Dzalika kitabu la roibafiihi hudan li al muttaqin.
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt,
a guidance for those conscious of Allah."
- Al Baqarah: 02

Harapan dan doa, Watch this :)


En Naeem Mosque

120 Tampines Road, Singapore 535136


Masjid En-Naeem (Mosque)

Centre for Muslim Thinkers...


Ustazah Nadirah


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