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13 May 2024 - 4 Zulqaeda 1445 Maghrib 19:07 Ishak 20:20
13 May 2024 - 4 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:35 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:25 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:20
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Personal Financial Planning Course (English)

[Event has ended]
Sat, 24 May 2014, 9.30am-5.30pm | English
2 Bukit Merah Central #10-00 Singapore 159835
Sani Hamid, Asmadi Ahmad, Khairuddin Sukor, Mohd Farhan, Haron Masagoes

financial course

Fees: $100 (May 24 & 31)

This Personal Financial Planning course is designed to equip the layman with the relevant knowledge on how to plan his finances. Participants will be taught the key areas of financial planning: investment, protection, estate planning, zakat, wakaf and debt management. In each area, participants will gain knowledge on key factors to understand the Islamic perspectives and common mistakes to avoid.

Course notes and refreshments provided.
Participants who complete all 6 modules will be given a certificate of attendance.

DAY 1 - MAY 24, 2014
Module 1: Introduction to Financial Planning
Why is financial planning important?
The difference between conventional & Islamic financial planning
The main areas of financial planning

1100-1115 Tea Break

Module 2: Cashflow and Debt Management
The importance of cashflow management
Understanding financial stability
Islam and debt
Choices available for those in debt

1300-1400 Lunch Break

Module 4: Investment Planning (Part 1)
The difference between Islamic and conventional investment planning
Key things to consider when investing

1530-1545 Tea Break

Module 4: Investment Planning (Part 2)
Major mistakes when investing
Investing at different life cycles: retirement, family, fresh graduates

DAY 2 - MAY 31, 2014
Module 3: Risk Management (Part 1)
Why risk management is important
The difference between conventional and Islamic risk management

1100-1115 Tea Break

Module 3: Risk Management (Part 2)
Major mistakes in risk management
How to build a proper risk management portfolio

1300-1400 Lunch Break

Module 5: Zakat and Wakaf Planning
Zakat and wakaf in Islam
Understanding zakat and wakaf in Singapore
Calculating the various zakat

1545-1600 Tea Break

Module 6: Estate Planning
Faraid & Estate Planning
The road maps to Islamic Wills writing
The misconceptions and common mistakes made regarding Islamic Inheritance


Please register at
For more information, please contact us at 6222-1889 or email: [email protected]


Financial Alliance Islamic Wealth Advisory (FAiWA)

Financial Alliance Islamic Wealth Advisory (FAiWA) is a One Stop Center for all your Islamic Wealth ...


Asmadi Ahmad, Khairuddin Sukor, Mohd Farhan, Haron Masagoes
Sani Hamid

Sani Hamid currently holds the position of Director (Economy & Market Strategy) in Financial Allianc...


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