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20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 Syuruk 6:56 Zuhur 13:03
20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Safinah Talks 26 - Choosing Faith over Fear

[Event has ended]
Sat, 21 November 2015, 6pm - 9pm | English
UE Convention Centre
Safinah Institute
Ustaz Fizar Zainal, Ustaz Mizi Wahid, Shafiee Razali

safinah, safinah institute

Fees: $24 (Standard) | $18 (Student)

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.”

And that is faith.

How many times have we
- Got a fever and chills thinking about how our supervisor or boss is sure to criticize and slam the thesis or project proposal we spent hours on?
- Had a nervous breakdown on the first day wearing the hijab because ‘my family is going to think I've gone all ‘religious', my friends are going to laugh… I swear, that uncle just gave me a weird look!'
- Spent the night before the BIG DAY tossing and turning in bed because ‘what if she said no'?
And more…

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

We know. We know that He's here with us. It's just that sometimes, we might forget. Or get distracted. Or even, feel a little scared. We all need a reminder every now and then.

In the final Safinah Talks for the year, find out what it takes to see the forest beyond that one big and frightening tree blocking your path. Reflect on all the things that held you back this year, and rise above them in the coming year. Discover how to hold on to the hope and faith that had always been there, and to always see His Might through the difficulties and challenges you face.


Safinah Talks 26 – Choosing Faith over Fear
Date: 21 November 2015, Saturday
Time: 6.00pm – 9.00pm
Venue: UE Convention Centre (nearest MRT Expo)
Tickets: $24 (Standard) | $18 (Student)

“Know that if the whole world were to gather in order to help you, they would not be able to help you except if God had written so. And if the whole world were to gather together in order to harm you, they would not harm you except if God had written so. The pens have been lifted, and the pages are dry.” (Tirmidhi)

Choose faith.

Join us in Safinah Talks 26 – Choosing Faith over Fear and sign up today at to secure your seats. We hope to see you soon insyaAllah!


UE Convention Centre

4 Changi Business Park Ave 1, 486016


Safinah Institute


Ustaz Fizar Zainal, Ustaz Mizi Wahid, Shafiee Razali


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