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29 May 2024 - 20 Zulqaeda 1445 Syuruk 6:57 Zuhur 13:04
29 May 2024 - 20 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:57 | Zuhur 13:04 | Asar 16:28 | Maghrib 19:08 | Ishak 20:23
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Islam, Amidst the Cacophony of Noises (Opening Ceremony: SMU Islam Awareness Week)

[Event has ended]
Tue, 4 October 2016, 6.45pm-9.30pm | English
Singapore Management University School of Accountancy, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium (NAKA)
SMU Muslim Society
Ustaz Saif Ur-Rahman

muharram, aqidah, misconceptions, qasidah, youth, tertiary education

Fees: Free

To many people, “Islam” conjures up negative impressions of fundamentalists, intolerance and terrorism. To exacerbate the matter further, many Muslims out there claim theirs is the definitive version of Islam and that all others are wrong. This even becomes their justification to launch aggressive offensives against fellow Muslims and even non-Muslims.

Amidst all of these competing claims, what is Islam and what are its core teachings?

This talk, provides a shared platform for participants to navigate safely amidst such chaos. It will be a useful lecture both for Muslims and those curious about Islam, or those trying to find meaning of our times.

As such, we warmly invite you to join us at our Opening Ceremony where our distinguished speaker, Ustaz Saif Ur-Rahman from the Alchemy of Hippie-ness will be talking about "Islam, Amidst the Cacophony of Noises".

We have also lined up an Arabic Poetry performance, also known as a Qaseedah by the ever talented youths of Masjid Ar-Rabitah - Soutun Nur, which promises to be a treat to your ears!

Come, come as you are :)


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Singapore Management University School of Accountancy, Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium (NAKA)

60 Stamford Road Singapore 178900


SMU Muslim Society


Ustaz Saif Ur-Rahman


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