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20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 Zuhur 13:03 Asar 16:26
20 May 2024 - 11 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Faithathon 2018 - A hackathon Competition

[Event has ended]
Sat, 18 August 2018, 9am - 6pm | English
Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore
Youths of Darul Arqam

hackathon, programme for youth

Fees: FREE

What are the requirements for joining Faithathon?
•There should be three members in a group between the age of 18 – 25 years old
•Register your participation at
•Attend the training workshop on Saturday, 11th August 2pm – 5pm
•Participate in the competition on Saturday, 18th August 9am – 6pm

What exactly do teams have to do for the competition?
•Organiser will explain the theme and topic on competition day itself
•Teams need to develop an idea/initiative within 6 hours
•Teams need to describe the idea/initiative through a 10-minutes presentation to a panel of judges
•Teams who create a mock-up/prototype will be given bonus points

Why should we join Faithathon?
The top three teams will receive the following cash prizes and trophies: $600, $400 and $200 respectively
The remaining teams will receive CapitaLand vouchers as token of participation.

The winner's proposal might also be adopted and implemented by the organisation


What is a Hackathon?
Initially started as a computer programming event (Hack + Marathon), Hackathon now evolves into an event where teams figure out a solution for a social issue in the community.

Then how is Faithathon different from a normal hackathon?
Ours is a faith-based hackathon meaning that the theme will be related to social issues faced by a Muslim Community so teams need to come up with an idea and proposal related to that. The theme and topic will be revealed during the competition day itself.

Examples of social issues:
•Theme: Green Living. Topic “How can Muslim organisations adopt green practices?”
oSo participants need to list out creative ways
organisations can be more environmental-friendly
•Theme: Entrepreneurship. Topic “What kind of start-ups will benefit/meet the needs of the Muslim Community today?”

We will ask teams to join our 3-hours training workshop on Sat, 11th August to learn from various trainers
to draw inspiration for the competition.

Teams will then participate in a whole day competition on Sat, 18th August from 9am to 6pm
(Hackathon usually last for 24 – 48 hours so thank us for making it very short!)


Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

32 Onan Rd, Singapore 424484


Youths of Darul Arqam


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