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Sacred Journeys of the Seeker

[Event has ended]
Fri, 16 November 2018, Multiple Timings | English
152 Still Road, Singapore 423991

hijrah, prayers, ethics, chivalry

Fees: S$20, S$30

"The (reward of) deeds depend on intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he intends. So, whoever migrated for Allah and His Apostle, then his migration will be for Allah and His Apostle, and whoever migrated for worldly benefits or for marrying a woman, then his migration will be for what he migrated for." – Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Sacred Journeys of the Seeker is a series of talks and workshops conducted by the esteemed Shaykh Mus'ab Penfound (United Kingdom) and Habib Muhammad Al-'Aydarus (Yemen) from the 16th to 25th November 2018. These talks and workshops are designed to chronicle the migration (hijrah) and sacrifices made by Muslims in their bid to spread Islam, and the lessons that can be learned from these Sacred Journeys. These talks and workshops will also accentuate the message that was shared and spread during these Sacred Journeys - the message and teachings of Islam that will swell a believer's heart and soul with the beauty of Islam.

The first leg is Shaykh Mus'ab Penfound's sharing on the early migrations of Muslims during the Infancy of Islam in Sacred Journeys: Reflections upon the Abyssinian and Madinan Migrations (Hijrah), a 2-part Public Talk scheduled for 16 and 17 of November 2018 (Friday and Saturday) from 8pm at SimplyIslam.

The second leg is a selected reading and discussions entitled The Path of Devotion - Selected Readings from Imam Al-Haddad's Book of Assistance, during a 2-part workshop on Saturday and Sunday, 17 and 18 November 2018 at SimplyIslam.

The third and final leg of the Sacred Journeys of the Seeker will then see Habib Muhammad Al-'Aydarus conduct a 2-day workshop from 2-6pm on Saturday, 24 November 2018 and Sunday, 25 November 2018 entitled The Polished Mirror - Chivalry in Islam. He will discuss sections of his own book "The Polished Mirror" extrapolating the messages from the Holy Qur'an, and the Prophetic Traditions ﷺ.

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Public Talk: Sacred Journeys: Reflections upon the Abyssinian and Madinan Migrations (Hijrah)
Speaker: Shaykh Mus'ab Penfound
Date/Time: Friday, 16 Nov 2018, 8pm (Part1) & Saturday, 17 Nov 2018, 8 pm (Part 2)
Venue: 152 Still Road, Singapore 423991
Fee: S$20 (Part 1 and Part 2, Inclusive)

The first migration of Muslims began at the infancy of Islam in Makkah. At that time, there were about 100 believers in Makkah, and they were building their strength and solidarity. However, the Prophet Muhammad was at the same time concerned over their safety. The Prophet had heard of Negus, the King of Abyssinia, who also followed a monotheistic religion (Christianity) and he was well known for his religious tolerance. Thus for the believers' safety, he advised those who felt threatened to migrate to Abyssinia. Obviously, the journey would not be easy. Among the migrants were men and women, and included people like Uthman bin Affan, his wife Ruqayyah (the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad), and others. In total, about 100 Muslims migrated to Abyssinia in waves of small groups over a period of time. The Prophet said that Uthman had revived a great tradition of the Prophets of the past, and that he was the first to migrate with his family for the sake of his faith since Prophet Lut (AS). While some had believed in accusations that those who emigrated were weaker than those who remained behind in Makkah, there is absolutely no credibility to such accusations. In fact, there are many lessons that can be learnt from the first migration of the early Muslims to Abyssinia.

The major migration of Muslims came later, almost 10 years later, this time to the city of Yathrib, later renamed as Al-Madinah (The City). After being warned of a plot to assassinate him, Prophet Muhammad secretly left his home in Makkah to emigrate to Yathrib, about 300 km north of Makkah, along with his companion Abu Bakr, who later became Islam's first Caliphate. The year was 622 CE, and later identified as the start of the Islamic Hijri calendar. The Muslims in Makkah has been facing serious oppression in Makkah, and after a period of politico-religious maneouvres by Prophet Muhammad and his Companions, the Prophet migrated to Madinah after receiving divine direction to leave Makkah. While Prophet Muhammad and his Companions faced poverty and difficulty after fleeing Makkah, they persevered through the difficult years. And through the hardship, maneouvres and negotiations involved in the major migration in 622 CE, there are many beautiful and deep reflections that can be derived.

Shaykh Mus'ab will share his thoughts on the various lessons and reflections on the two migrations of Muslims in the early years of Islam, backed by Qur'anic verses and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad.

Workshop: The Path of Devotion - Selected Readings from Imam Al-Haddad's Book of Assistance
Speaker: Shaykh Mus'ab Penfound
Date/Time: Saturday 17 Nov 2018, 10am - 4pm (Part 1) & Sunday 18 Nov 2018, 2pm - 6pm (Part 2)
Venue: SimplyIslam, 152 Still Road, Singapore 423991
Price: S$30 (Part 1 and Part 2, Inclusive)

Originally written in Classical Arabic, the aptly-named Book of Assistance offers a complete guide to Muslim devotions, prayers and practical ethics. The author Imam Abdallah Ibn-Alawi Al-Haddad (d. 1720), lived at Tarim in the Hadramaut valley between Yemen and Oman, and is widely held to have been the ‘renewer' of the twelfth Islamic century. A direct descendant of the Prophet, his sanctity and direct experience of God are clearly reflected in his writings, which include several books, a collection of Sufi letters, and a volume of mystical poetry. The book helps one to get closer to God in an intimate way, and the author describes various impediments towards one's path to God.

While Imam Al-Haddad discusses the basic pillars of Islam like ritual prayer, zakat, fasting, pilgrimage, he also discusses matters of deep spirituality like certainty, intention, vigilance, acquiring knowledge, cleanliness, charity, kindness, repentance, hope, fear, and so on. The book is really useful for a Muslim to develop his or her devotions to be a God-mindful individual, treading his life in this world being God-conscious, and preparing his life for the Hereafter. The speaker will elucidate the contents of the book and share his own thoughts in regards to the topics as described above.

Workshop: The Polished Mirror: Chivalry in Islam
Speaker: Habib Muhammad bin 'Abdallah Al-'aydarus
Date/Time: Saturday, 24 Nov 2018, 2pm - 6pm & Sunday, 25 Nov 2018, 2pm - 6pm
Venue: 152 Still Road, Singapore 423991
Fee: S$30 (Part 1 and Part 2, Inclusive)

Habib Muhammad Al-'Aydarus will be reading and discussing sections from his book, "The Polished Mirror - The Meanings of Chivalry in Islam". In the West, chivalry is often thought of as an informal social and moral code embedded within society demonstrating, amongst other things, one's standing and conduct within that society. Some of these meanings are also found in Muslim societies but chivalry in Islam also has unique meanings which are derived from the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Hadith).

"The Polished Mirror" contains extracts from the Qur'an, the Prophetic Traditions, and many light-hearted stories from medieval and modern times which are retold to bring out the understanding of chivalry in Islam. The book ends with a discussion of the beautiful traits of honour and generosity, and how these traits relate to chivalry and one's relation to God for the betterment of society.


Shaykh Mus'ab Penfound

Shaykh Mus'ab Luke Martin Penfound was born and raised in Manchester, England. He entered Islam at the age of eighteen. He has a Degree in Arabic Language & History from the University of Manchester.

Since 2005, he has been a seeker of knowledge in the Arabic lands, spending most of his years in the Muslim world, including Egypt and Southern Arabia. On his travels, he has been studying full-time under a variety of scholars, each with unbroken chains of scholarly transmission traced back to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

His formal training and knowledge was derived through a classical syllabus based upon the formal Islamic sciences combined with the disciplines of inward purification. He has received scholastic permission and licences (ijazah) from leading traditional scholars, providing authentic credentials that ensure a trustworthy and credible source for accurate teaching and demonstration of the faith.

His main teacher is the distinguished Islamic scholar; Al-Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Hafidh where Shaykh Mus'ab has received Al-Habib's guidance and tutelage in the renowned Islamic institute of Darul Mustafa in Hadramout, Yemen. He has also studied under other renowned scholars in Darul Mustafa such as Shaykh Umar Al-Khatib, Al-Habib Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Idrus and Al-Habib Musa Khadhim As-Seggaf, among others. He has received training and ijazah (licenses) to teach the following Islamic sciences;

▪ Quranic commentary (Tafsīr)
▪ Prophetic narrations (Hadīth)
▪ Islamic theology (Aqīdah)
▪ Sacred law (Islamic Jurispudence)
▪ Arabic language (Nahu, Sarf, balagha)
▪ Sacred Ettiquette (Tarbiyya / Adāb)
▪ The Prophetic methodology of Calling (Da'wa)

This includes readings in the hadith texts of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim with formal tuition in books including al-Zubad, Umdat-al-Sālik (Reliance of the Traveller) and Manhaj-al-Tulāb in Sacred Law. Shaykh Mus'ab specialises in Sacred law, the Sciences of Inward Purification (Tazkiyya, Tasawwuf) and the biographical texts of the early pious Muslims and scholars (Salaf-al-salih). He travels regularly and has taught and lectured in the UK, the Middle East, South Africa and the Comoros Islands. Shaykh Musab currently lives in Hadramout, Yemen where he continues to expand his Islamic knowledge under the tutelage of his teachers.

Habib Muhammad Al-'aydarus

Habib Mohammed Abdullah All Al-Aidaros is an Islamic leader and lecturer of Yemeni descent. He is currently a lecturer at Dar Al-Mustafa in Tarim, Yemen. Additionally, he also holds the positions of Superintendent of the Department of Da'wah, member of the Fatwa Division, and Superintendent of the Administration in Dar Al-Mustafa, Tarim, Yemen.

His vast speaking credentials include participation in several conferences in Yemen and abroad including Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt and the UAE; and he was invited as Speaker in Yemen and abroad, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, the Comoros, the Gulf States, Japan and some countries of Europe, Southeast Asia, South Africa, Egypt and others. He participated in a number of programmes in the Sciences of Islamic knowledge and da'wah programs in the UAE and Oman, and he has also been seen and heard on several radio and television programs in numerous countries.

Habib Mohammed is also a prolific writer and author of several Islamic texts of which many has been published which has been used as reference for many Islamic students. His works include:

• The Study of Ramadhan for the Nation of Muhammad (printed).
• Folding publication of 10 Lessons (printed).
• Unveiling the secrets of Umrah and Visitations (printed).
• The Path to knowing the As-Siddiq's country (not printed).
• The succinct summary in Facilitating Preaching as an Individual (printed).
• The Knowledge of Management & Administration - legitimacy and principles (printed).
• Illuminating the Seekers of guidance - Stories of Ihya Ulum Ad-Deen (printed).
• The Polished Mirror - The Meanings of Chivalry in Islam
• A catalyst that illuminates the role and practice of the teacher and mentor.
• Imam Ali amongst the companions of the Prophet pbuh (not printed).
• The middle path between the valuable and the worthless (not printed).
• The Rejection of the refused (not printed)

And several others.

Habib Mohammed holds a Bachelor's Degree in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law from the Faculty of Sharia in Al-Ahqaff University in Tarim, Yemen. He is married with five children.

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152 Still Road, Singapore 423991

152 Still Road, Singapore 423991

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