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15 May 2024 - 6 Zulqaeda 1445 Maghrib 19:07 Ishak 20:20
15 May 2024 - 6 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:35 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:25 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:20
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Muhawarah Arabic Course for Beginners @Bugis

[Event has ended]
Tue, 8 January 2019, 8pm | English
734 North Bridge Road #02-02 Singapore (198702)
Al Ahdaf Academy

arabic, beginners, adult

The Course focuses on:

1) Speaking Arabic with confidence
Here, at Al-Ahdaf Academy, learning Arabic IS speaking Arabic. You will be surprised how easy Arabic can be for you!

Our Muhawarah Course helps students to speak Arabic confidently, and it was specially designed to our daily conversation usage.

Relevant language learning has become an important component of our Arabic language course. The Arabic textbooks used are in Singapore context, therefore making it applicable and enjoyable.

2) Understanding Arabic text.

The goal of reading is to derive meaning.
Without comprehension, reading Arabic loses its very purpose. It will be simply following words on a page from right to left while sounding them out.

Our Muhawarah Course helps students to achieve that, as well as other aspects of reading, such as fluency and word recognition. This enables them to explain in their very own words what the text is about with confidence.

For more details and registration visit


Discounts available:

1.Receive $30.00 off each if you register with a spouse/child/sibling.

2.Receive $25.00 off each if you register with a friend. (Multiple discounts may be applied for each referral)

3.Receive $100.00 off if you a) Below 25 years old b) Above 50 years old. (valid until 15th December)

4.Receive $20.00 off if you register before 15th December

For more details and registration visit


734 North Bridge Road #02-02 Singapore (198702)

734 North Bridge Road #02-02 Singapore (198702)


Al Ahdaf Academy


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