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ESQ Leadership Training - Batch 11

[Event has ended]
Fri, 18 December 2009, 8am- 6.30pm | Malay
Downtown east D' tent
ZMP Leadership Centre Pte Ltd


Fees: Call for pricing

Sebuah latihan pembangunan personaliti kepimpinan yang paling berkesan, dimana Kecerdasan Minda, Kecerdasan Emosi dan Kecerdasan Rohani berjaya disatukan.


ESQ adalah anugerah Allah swt yang menyanyangi hamba-hambaNYA agar mereka hidup bahagia dengan penuh kasih sayang. ESQ adalah alternative dakwah era multimedia. Janganlah anda terlepas peluang keemasan ini.
Ustaz TM Fouzy, TM Fouzy Travels, Singapore

Ikutilah ESQ, satu pengalaman yang anda tak akan dapat lupakan seumur hidup anda. Ia akan memberikan kembali mutiara hatimu yang hilang.Carilah mutiara itu di ESQ, kalau anda dapakan nya maka anda termasuk orang-orang yang beruntung
Ustaz Idham, Madrasah Al Irsyad, Singapore

Program ESQ amat sangat berkesan bagi diri saya, dan ianya adalah satu perjalanan dimana pada akhirnya kita akan berjumpa siapakah yang Maha Berkuasa diatas segala-galanya.
Ustaz Sofyan, Masjid Mydin, Singapore

The ESQ training was way beyond my expectations and no words could describe the heartfelt feelings. This was something that I had been looking for all these while. It opens up my mind and heart and changed my attitude towards life
Zahara Othman, Singapore

The course is very informative and makes me look at Islam from a different perspective. Made me look into my most inner self. Keep it up! Hope to see you in other courses in the future
Florence Lim, Singapore

Some of the talk session really move my heart. I recommend to my friends who have ‘keras hati'
Abdul Hakam Fadhullah, Student, Singapore

Ary Ginanjar brings the deep power of ESQ to a vision of a renewed and compassionate Islam. He has the voice of a wise teacher. His words opened my heart to the beauty of a faith I had never before understood
Danar Zohar

Saya merasakan bahawa dari sudut isi mahupun metodologi, ESQ Training sungguh menakjubkan.
Romli Hussein VP, TELEKOM Malaysia

ESQ is very good and effective training that makes us get in touch with our spiritual and emotional side. Participants will come back recharged with renewed enthusiasm to be a person that he or she can be whether as a father, mother, entrepreneur, son, daughter, worker or boss.
Ahmad Nazri Ahmad Noor, HR General Manager, Kumpulan Karangkraf

ESQ Training in many areas have managed to enlighten and enhance my views and perception of myself and further strengthen my current inner beliefs and principles. Personally, ESQ in some ways has made me more optimistic and refresh my outlook towards life.
Wang Twee Pang, Branch Manager, PUSPAKOM

ESQ Sukses adalah harapan semua di zaman moden ini. Ternyata untuk mencapai hidup sukses tidak cukup mengutamakan IQ saja, namun diperlukan kematangan serta ketrampilan emosional dan spiritual.
Usman Chatib Warsa, REKTOR UI, INDONESIA

Before I join the ESQ Training I did not realized I did awful things in my life especially to my families, friends and staff. I was egoist, naive and lot more of bad attitudes. ESQ shake me and made me aware who am I, where am I coming from and where am I heading to. I feel remorse. ESQ had been the eye opener of my heart and will lead me to a better life on the way back to God the Almighty.
William de Weerd, Risk Manager, Rodamco Europe, Holland

ESQ 165 balances the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual aptitude and attitude in me. It fits nicely in the total training philosophy of interfacing work, life, and learning.. I am truly impressed despite my 28 years experiencing in human capital development. Its' a mind opener.

I have had formal training on various kinds of learning. I had once seek religious knowledge and had continuously practiced the good deeds(amal) from the classes I attended. Then I was busy climbing the corporate ladder until I missed the pure feeling of happiness when you feel and aware that God is helping you in your every conduct-God even suppress your words so as not to be blurted out when you have the temptation to say something damaging. Three days in ESQ training gives me back the feelings. It is so serene. I realized my habitual conducts have changed abruptly. From my experience and knowledge in human resource development, ESQ Training is indeed a transformational learning; a learning experience that is capable to transform people which normally occur in real life situation such as being diagnosed with cancer or lost os someone dear

Organisasi seperti PUSPAKOM yang terpenting dalam membangun modal insan bukanlah skill atau knowledge, tetapi spiritual melalui internal strength, di situlah kekuatan.
Dato' Hj Salamat Hj Wahit, CEO PUSPAKOM


Date: 18-20 December 2009
Venue : Downtown East D' Tent
Time: 8am - 6.30pm

Price inclusive of:
- Training kit
- Breakfast(3days)
- Lunch (3days)
- Teabreak (3days)
- Venue for Sholat
- Certificate
- Alumni card (entitles you for a free recharge worldwide)

For Registration please click here

Thank you


Downtown east D' tent

1 Pasir Ris Close, Singapore 519599


ZMP Leadership Centre Pte Ltd


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