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21 May 2024 - 12 Zulqaeda 1445 Ishak 20:21 Subuh 5:34
21 May 2024 - 12 Zulqaeda 1445 | Subuh 5:34 | Syuruk 6:56 | Zuhur 13:03 | Asar 16:26 | Maghrib 19:07 | Ishak 20:21
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Majlis Ilmu sempena Maulidur Rasul SAW

[Event has ended]
Sat, 14 February 2015, 7.30 pm | Malay
Blk 931-932 Jurong West Street 91
Kumpulan Nurul Huda (Qaryah Masjid Assyakirin)

majlis syarahan

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

You are cordially invited to attend Kumpulan Nurul Huda's Syarahan Event on the date stated below.
Syarahan will be in Malay.

The programme will be as follows:
7:45 mlm - Kehadiran Tetamu/ Jemaah
8:10 mlm - Pembukaan Majlis oleh Pengerusi Majlis
8:20 mlm - Bacaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran oleh YB Ustaz Muhammad Tirmizi
8:30 mlm - Zikir/Salawat pimpinan Qasidah Ukhuwwah Masjid Tentera
8:45 mlm - Syarahan oleh Al-Fadhil Ustaz Muhammad Nuzhan Abdul Halim
10:15 mlm - Doa Penutup & Majlis Bersurai

Let's gather some ‘Ilm (Knowlegde) on how having Ilmu is essential in building up a strong community.

Help us spread the words and hope to see you on that day! Inshaa Allah...

Jazakallahu khairan katheera!


Open Space between Blk 931-932 Jurong West Street 91


Kumpulan Nurul Huda (Qaryah Masjid Assyakirin)


Ustaz Muhammad Nuzhan Abdul Halim

Ustaz Muhammad Nuzhan graduated with Bachelor of Arts Degree in Quranic Exegesis and its Sciences fr...


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